Meetings & Events

Meetings and Events

Meeting and Events

Throughout the year Purbrook Horticultural Society lay on a series of informative meetings about gardening, conservation, plants, nature, flower shows and lots more besides. On this page you can see our list of forthcoming meetings for the year ahead.

2024 Programme and Meetings

Something for everyone

Updated: 17th December 2023
We are very excited for the 2024 year ahead. Our range of speakers for 2024 will provide something for everyone, and we look forward to sharing their expertise we our members. If you have any questions about the speakers, just contact Lynda.

Start Times & More Details

All talks are held at Deverell Hall, London Road with doors open at 7PM for a 7.30PM start. Meetings are free to members and there is ample free parking behind the hall. An interval is normally held mid talk in order to have a free cup of Tea or Coffee and Biscuits; purchase from the Sales Table; announce the winner of the £5 Store voucher for best exhibit on the Show table [as judged by the speaker]; book your seat on the trip; draw the raffle, renew membership and take a comfort break!

Thursday 1st February 2024 - Speaker (to be announced)

The History of Stansted House
Stansted House is a Grade 2 listed Edwardian building which we are lucky to have right on our doorstep. It is the parish of Stoughton and is situated in a 1,800 acre park. Up to 1983 it was the home of the 10th Earl of Bessborough and there has been a house on this site since 1688 though several houses were built on the land prior to this.

The Chapel of St Paul was built in the 1800's and is a Grade 1 listed building. We look forward to finding out more about the way of life in this house in it's heyday and what is planned going forward.

Thursday 7th March 2024 - Speaker Maggie Haynes CEO

From Marching to Mulching
The Tupenny Barn project based in Southbourne was founded 18 years ago. It is a charity that organises school visits or children aged 3-18 to teach them food education. The staff run green therapy garden sessions and have a project for young carers. This was featured on Gardeners World in April 2023. There are also activities for the community such as foraging; wreath making; bee keeping and willow weaving.

The shop is open on a Thursday and sells organic bread; cakes; eggs; preserves ; vegetables and flowers grown on site. So far over £250.000 has been raised to fund and develop this charity. Maggie Haynes is CEO of Tupenny Barn and will give the talk.

Thursday 4th April 2024 - Speaker Steve Herra

Cunard History and Glamorous Stars
Steve Herra has given an interesting talk before about the liner QE2 which was the last ship he worked on. He is third generation employee of Cunard and still gives guided tours when the ships are on dock in Southampton.

This talk will cover some of the insider facts of the many famous people who sailed on the liners and their odd ways, including that of an actress who brought her own chickens on board so that her eggs would be fresh every day!

Thursday 2nd May 2024 - Speaker David Gary

The history of the Gosport Ferry
David Gary will give a talk about the history of the Gosport Ferry and stories about the Royal Naval Hospital at Haslar. He has written four books, one of which is about the Gosport Ferry.

He has a Royal Navy background, has worked in local Government finance and has lived in Spain. David and his wife also ran a farm and village store in the West country. Sounds like we will be in for an interesting evening!

Thursday 6th June 2024 - Speaker Darren Everest

Dahlias - A talk by Darren Everest
Darren Everest is a specialist on Sweet Peas and Dahlias. He has been growing Dahlias for about 35 years since he was a young lad helping his Grandad on his allotment. At 15 he was growing about 300 plants on his own allotment. In the last 10 years Darren has won 6 National Championship Classes at shows and in 2021 he was awarded 'Personality of the Year Award' by the National Dahlia Society.

As you can gather from this, he is very fond of Dahlias and will talk to us about the successful growing of these colourful and stunning plants. Darren lives on the Isle of Wight.

Thursday 4th July 2024 - Speaker Benjamin Pope

Head Gardener of a Private Garden in West Sussex
Benjamin Pope is Head Gardener in a private garden in West Sussex. He has many gardening qualifications and experience in both practical projects and design. He lectures at Chelsea Physic Garden and also at West Dean college.

In 2019 he realized a dream and bought a 5 and a half acre site in West Sussex to develop eventually as a market garden. Benjamin will give a talk entitled "Treading gently through the borders" which sounds romantic and will explore both traditional and more contemporary ideas about herbaceous perennials.

Thursday 1st August 2024 - Speaker Peter Rogers

One of the younger members of our club
'Growing for Showing', Peter Rogers, one of the younger members of our club who has won at many shows and most recently at Wisley, will tell us about growing vegetable, flowers and pot plants.

The talk will be how to nurture them and keep them healthy in order to enter the plants into a show. Peter is an excellent speaker and will give us inspiration to 'give it a go'.


The society is open to ALL who are interested in gardening. Meetings and talks are held at DEVERELL HALL, LONDON ROAD, PURBROOK and start at 7.30pm.
For just £5.00 PER YEAR for a household, you can access these meetings and our Trading Store which offers discounted gardening items.

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